The Evolution of Influencer Marketing

By Peyton Farber

From celebrity endorsements to modern-day social media influencers, the world of influencer advertising has taken a variety of forms throughout history. Each era of influencer marketing has had an effect on what the growing world of social media advertising looks like today. This blog aims to evaluate the history and evolution of influencer marketing and show how Main Hill Media utilizes micro-influencers.

Early uses of influencer marketing have contributed to the rise of social media marketing strategies that brands use today. Celebrity endorsements began to be used regularly in the 20th century and are still relied on to advertise products. Some notable celebrity endorsements are Elvis’s partnership with Pepsi, Michael Jordan’s partnership with Nike and Brooke Shields’s partnership with Calvin Klein. These celebrity endorsements not only instill a trust in the brand from consumers, but also elevate the status of the celebrity. Jordan’s partnership led to his ‘Air Jordan’ line, which has become a cultural phenomenon. Shields’s endorsement of Calvin Klein ultimately led to her establishing herself as an important figure in the fashion industry. These celebrity endorsements, and many others, have paved the way for modern-day influencer marketing.

Infomercials were also a popular way to showcase celebrity endorsement in an engaging way. Infomercials were aired on television to engage audiences and persuade them to learn more about or even purchase a product. From promoting exercise equipment to household appliances, infomercials combine the sensationalism of celebrity endorsement with an authenticity that appeals to everyday consumers.

With the rise of the Internet and social media, influencers have a much faster way of reaching a desired target audience. From the early days of social media, celebrities have been able to showcase the products they love and give businesses the advertising they need. The new adoption of micro-influencers allows brands to cater content to a specific target group. Main Hill utilizes this technique in our campus influencer program. Our influencers cater their content to students and produce relatable college-lifestyle content. Being in Northwest Arkansas, our clients understand the effectiveness that advertising to the University of Arkansas can have. Our influencers provide content that will catch the attention of college students and promote businesses in a way that their peers will find interesting and engaging. Following a campaign, our influencer team will provide analytics to the client to show the engagement and success rate of a campaign. This helps show truly how effective the advertising can be while also analyzing what can be changed in future campaigns to create more engagement.

The history of influencer marketing has led to what is now a very social-media focused landscape. The campus influencer program is a unique and highly-effective service that Main Hill Media offers. Using social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, Main Hill’s influencers are able to reach wide audiences both at the University of Arkansas and in the Northwest Arkansas community.